
    近日,欧中经济合作与发展理事会理事长、上海中欧中心理事长潘锋出席捷克国庆日招待会。期间,潘锋与捷克驻华大使Martin Tomco 、罗马尼亚驻华大使Dan-Horia Maxim、爱沙尼亚驻华大使Hannes Hanso等多位驻华使节就中欧经贸往来、第四届中外地理标志产品博览会、第七届中国国际进口博览会等议题交换意见。




02 Pan Feng at National Day Reception of the Czech Republic

Pan Feng, Chairman of the Europe-China Economic Development and Cooperation Council and Chairman of the CEPCTE, attended the National Day Reception of the Czech Republic recently. During the event, Pan exchanged ideas on China-Europe economic and trade cooperation, GIPE 2025, the seventh session of CIIE and other topics with the Czech Republic Ambassador to China Martin Tomco, Romania Ambassador to China Dan-Horia Maxim, Estonia Ambassador to China Hannes Hanso.